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Social media tips for Nevada divorce clients

When a Nevada couple decides to end their marriage, the vast majority seek the advice and counsel of an attorney. By following the guidance set out by one’s legal adviser, many spouses can greatly increase their chances of a favorable divorce settlement. However, most attorneys would agree that the need to begin acting on such advice begins far before the divorce papers are drawn up, when the decision to end the marriage is reached. One aspect of modern divorce that many spouses fail to give proper attention involves the use of social media.While most spouses know that it would be unwise to flaunt photos documenting an extramarital affair or an expensive vacation paid for with marital funds, there are many other ways that social media can come into play during a divorce. For example, when child custody is an issue, any posting that suggests that a parent is not able to provide a stable and morally sound home environment can be used to argue for reduced parenting responsibilities. This can include photos that suggest heavy drinking or partying.Another issue involves property division. For example, any attempt to gift assets to friends and family can be called into question if evidence surrounding those exchanges is posted online. This can come in a form as simple as a sibling or friend posting photos of a boat that was either gifted or sold at a loss. One’s spouse can present that evidence to the court to suggest that the transfer was made with the express intent to return the property to the spouse once their divorce is final. When approaching the subject of social media and divorce, the advice given by most Nevada attorneys is simple. Never post anything online that you would hesitate to make available to anyone, at any time. If there is ever any doubt about whether to share photos or information online, simply refrain from doing so. Divorce can be difficult enough, without having to worry that one’s soon-to-be-ex is combing through Facebook, Twitter and other sites looking for evidence to present in court. Eliminate that possibility by not putting that information out to the world.

Source: Forbes, How Social Media Can Affect Your Divorce, Jeff Landers, Aug. 20, 2013

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