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Tag Archives: credit rating

Does federal law make it harder to obtain credit after divorce?

By Kainen Law Group |

When a couple is preparing for divorce, it is generally recommended that each spouse open a credit card in their own name only, in order to begin (or continue) building credit and improve their credit score. Unfortunately, a federal law that was passed in the wake of the recent economic recession may make this… Read More »

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Protecting your credit score during and after divorce

By Kainen Law Group |

When you are negotiating your divorce, especially during the current economic state, it is likely that you and your spouse will have not only property but also debt to divide. It is not uncommon for one spouse to be ‘awarded’ a full debt, such as a credit card or a car loan, which means… Read More »

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Don’t let divorce ruin your credit rating

By Kainen Law Group |

When a divorcing couple agrees on a settlement, or when a judge makes a divorce ruling, the joint debts of the party are often split as fairly and evenly as possible, depending on the other elements of the dissolution and each party’s individual and joint financial situation. Therefore, one spouse may be required to… Read More »

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