Category Archives: Legal Separation

Why Try Legal Separation?
Most people, when they decide they and their spouse are no longer compatible, simply want to make a clean break, going through a divorce and moving on. However, some couples remain on the proverbial fence. If you and your spouse are in this situation, you may wish to try what some Nevada couples do… Read More »
Making Sense of the Legal Separation Filing Process in Las Vegas
When a couple decides to pull the plug on their relationship, it’s not all that uncommon that there may be hurt feelings between the pair which may, in turn, cause there to be legal wrangling involving financial matters, rights to housing, and other issues. It’s during this time that couples can easily fall into… Read More »
Why Would Anyone Consider A Legal Separation Over Divorce?
Sometimes, divorce isn’t the best option for your situation. For couples that are interested in taking a break without breaking the bonds of matrimony entirely, a legal separation might be in order. What’s exactly is a legal separation? A legal separation is created by a court document which affirms that you and your spouse… Read More »
The Benefits of Legal Separation
Some Nevada couples may want to receive some of the benefits of divorce while retaining other benefits of marriage. For these couples, legal separation may be the answer. With legal separation, spouses can remain married while living away from one another and establishing legal agreements concerning property division, child custody and other matters. The… Read More »
When living apart from your spouse, legal separation protects you
You think your marriage isn’t working out, but you don’t want to rush right out and get a divorce. You want a trial period first, where you split up and live on your own. You think you might fix the marriage in time and don’t want to be too hasty about breaking it off… Read More »
Preventing many financial problems during legal separation
Most states allow married couples who just aren’t ready for divorce to file for a legal separation. The reasons for wanting this separation can be numerous, such as because of health care coverage, religious readings, Social Security benefits or family benefits among other things. Legal separations, however, can have a dramatic effect on your… Read More »
What are the different kinds of legal separation?
Rather than going into divorce proceedings, many Las Vegas parents decide to enter into a legal separation. For some spouses, a legal separation could come with some specific advantages, particularly for spouses with complex financial situations that could take time to organize leading up to a divorce. This article will discuss three primary types… Read More »
Legal separation as an alternative to divorce
Through legal separation, Nevada couples can dissolve different parts of their marriage agreement without actually finalizing their divorce. Legal separation is an excellent way for married couples to take a long-term break from their marriage — especially in cases where either one or the other spouse is not quite certain about beginning divorce proceedings…. Read More »
The financial risk of a long trial separation
Some couples who are thinking of getting divorced like to have a trial separation first, giving them a chance to live apart without doing anything to make it legally official. This gives them a better sense of what it’s like so they can make a more informed decision. This can be helpful, but it’s… Read More »