Tag Archives: divorce

Why Try Legal Separation?
Most people, when they decide they and their spouse are no longer compatible, simply want to make a clean break, going through a divorce and moving on. However, some couples remain on the proverbial fence. If you and your spouse are in this situation, you may wish to try what some Nevada couples do… Read More »

QDROs In Nevada
When a couple divorces in Nevada, all community property should be divided equally, as Nevada is a community property state. This does include instruments like retirement accounts and insurance policies, or at least the portion that was paid in during the marriage. However, such accounts cannot simply be divided by handing a lump sum… Read More »
Child custody concerns in Nevada
Whether you are going through a divorce or dealing with ongoing child custody issues, legal support can be helpful in addressing your interests and those of your child. Disputes can crop up even after custody and support are established, and it is important that your child’s best interests are considered when decisions or modifications… Read More »
Third-party visitation rights in child custody cases
There are times when a parent or parents may prevent a grandparent, relative or other person with whom a child has formed a close relationship from seeing the child. The Nevada legislature recognizes that in some cases, third-party visitation should be allowed and granted. Third parties may petition the court for a visitation order… Read More »
About third-party visitation rights in Nevada
There are times when grandparents or other relatives may wish to seek visitation rights for a minor child. Fortunately for them, Nevada law provides some situations in which courts can grant visitation to third parties such as grandparents. In some circumstances, a parent will restrict the rights of grandparents to visit a child. In… Read More »
Understanding how courts decide interstate custody arrangements
Las Vegas parents may be interested in some information on how interstate child custody issues are dealt with. When multiple states are involved in a dispute, determining the proper court where the issue should be heard requires that court to meet certain requirements. The U.S. Constitution contains a clause, known as the Full Faith… Read More »
How best to deal with missed parenting time
The Fourth of July weekend holiday is quickly approaching. Many people are making a four day weekend out of the holiday. For divorced and separated parents, this could be a tricky time, especially when there is parenting time to be had and the other parent is hardly reliable when it comes to exchanges. So… Read More »
How to avoid parenting time disputes over the 4th of July holiday
The Independence Day holiday is coming next week. This means that family barbecues and fireworks celebrations are going to be part of the many activities that families in Las Vegas will be taking part in. With the holiday falling on a Friday, it will be a much-anticipated three day weekend. However, holidays can be… Read More »
How divorcing parents can answer kids’ questions
Explaining why parents are splitting up, and how the living arrangements will work are often difficult topics to discuss with children. They are often the last to know because parents sometimes don’t know the answers to the tough questions, and they don’t want to break the hearts of those who depend on them. Also… Read More »
Deadly sins to avoid in co-parenting disputes
We hope all of our readers had a wonderful Father’s Day. For many kids, it may just feel like another day with day, but it is much more than that. It is a celebration of the tangible and intangible things that fathers give. Also, with the Fourth of July holiday on the horizon, it… Read More »