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Las Vegas Divorce Lawyer > Blog > Child Support > Using child support: what can payments cover?

Using child support: what can payments cover?

Child support, much like child custody, is a very tricky issue when it comes to divorce. The spouses will go into it likely not knowing what to expect, and the details in a child support agreement are crucial. How long will the payments last? How much will each payment be? Who will determine the child support and what will the ultimate agreement look like?

It can be an anxious time for splitting spouses, so it is best to get an attorney that can help you out with this crucial factor in the world of divorce. But today, we’re going to focus on one simple aspect of child support: what is covered by child support payments?

Child support payments can cover a wide array of costs and and necessities. For example, basic needs can be covered by child support, such as food and clothing. Additionally, medical care and expenses can be covered by child support payments.

Some more intricate factors can be covered by child support, such as education fees (including college), costs and child care. Even extracurricular activities can be paid for through child support — such as recreational sports, summer camp activities and clubs.

One area that some paying spouses may contest is that child support can be used to pay for “entertainment purposes.” For example, child support could pay for television, gaming systems and access to the Internet.

No matter what side of the child support equation you are on, it behooves you to have an attorney with you to ensure your case is being handled appropriately.

Source: FindLaw, “What Does Child Support Cover?,” Accessed Dec. 23, 2015

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