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Las Vegas Divorce Lawyer > Blog > Child Custody > Parenting issues that courts may avoid

Parenting issues that courts may avoid

It’s tough co-parenting with someone you can’t stand. If the other parent has different religious values or parenting styles, it can be nerve wracking to hear about how the kids have been disciplined, or how they have eaten foods that you have forbidden them to eat. Even more disappointing is having to deal with a parent who insists on not being flexible and insistent in their ways despite your pleas for understanding.

In these situations, it is natural to want to seek court intervention. However, there are certain issues that family courts in Nevada simply will not touch. This post will identify them so that you may have an idea of what issues may not see a court ordered remedy.

Issues over entertainment – Indeed, it is not advisable for parents to allow kids to watch movies and television shows with adult content (e.g. violence, sex) but a court is not likely to intervene if one parent allows children to play Call of Duty while the other parent objects. The same thinking applies of one parent allows unlimited television time while other imposes strict limits.

Clothing choices – What a parent allows as far as clothing choices is another issue that courts do not want to get involved in. One parent’s clothing tastes cannot be seen as superior to another parent’s. Also, courts know very well that children will attempt to play their parents against each other in order to get their way, so if you are frustrated by the other parent’s apathy with regarding to clothing, you may not get help from the court.

Source: “Why being part of a blended family is the best of both worlds,” Brittany Wong, June 20, 2014

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